Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Thought for the Day from BCP Daily Reading

"Even though princes sit plotting against me, your servant will meditate on your statutes." ~Psalms 119:23
Imagine how much it would feel like you were in crisis if a prince were making a plot against you! And yet, the Psalmist refuses to be sucked into a crisis. He keeps focused on his life's central program--learning and training to think and live as God's person. God has a lifelong program for each of us that requires daily reprogramming, daily attention to His Spirit, daily reorientation through scripture. 
It's easy when a crisis comes to become reactive and set aside the process of become disciples and saints--"I'll do that when I get through this mess this week!" When we live like that, our lives end up going from crisis to crisis. The Psalmist determines that no matter what's going on around him, he's going to put God's training regimen for his soul first. When we seek his righteousness first, it allows us to navigate even times of crisis without being sucked into crisis and becoming reactive people.  
Today, meditate on his statutes. The whirling storm will be waiting for you when you return to it, and you will have a better head to deal with whatever life throws at you.

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