Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Prayer for the Upcoming Election

Lord, you taught us to pray for those in authority over us, to pray for leaders and for your blessing to rest upon every land you would send us. We have been blessed to live in a good land, a nation that lets us worship and offer witness to our faith freely. We are blessed to live in abundance and freedom. We thank you for a land without dictators, a land governed by its own people, a land in which we have a say in our leadership at every level of government. 

We confess that many of us have allowed our nation’s election to fill us with anxiety, especially in this year. Many of us have participated in the demonizing of our opponents and have often overlooked and excused the failings of those we support. We have held uncharitable thoughts and shared uncharitable words about those whose views are different than our own.  

In just a few days, this election will be over, and no matter who wins, our nation will need to find healing. So, Lord, may your people, followers, become healers of the breach. Make us people who speak the truth in love, who refuse to slander our opponents, who seek common ground, who serve and listen and love our enemies. We pray that you would guide this election this week. We pray also that you would guide us as we begin the work of healing in our nation afterwards.