Holy God:
We give you thanks and praise for all you have done for your people. We thank you that you have revealed yourself in your son, that you have made a way that we can come into new life, and that we can constantly be reshaped into your image and likeness.
We thank you for all the blessings of life, for family and health and peace, for provision and shelter and friendship.
As we enter into the season of Advent, we thank you also for what you have planned that we cannot know. We thank you for the unexpected. Thank you Father, for all you have planned that is beyond our comprehension.
Give us a spirit of holy expectation, a capability to live our lives with wide eyed wonder for the surprises you have in store for us.
We have grown accustomed to making our lives as routine as possible. We have come to expect that what you will do is what you have always done, that what you will give is what you have always given, that who you will be to us is what you have been, that we will always be who we have always been, that we will always accomplish for your kingdom the kinds of things that we have always done.
You shocked the world and turned it upside down when you took flesh in Jesus and made a new covenant, when you visited the world as one us and the God who created all things became a part of creation.
So shock us again. Visit us in surprising and unexpected ways. Give us a yearning for your visitation and a hunger to see what you will do in us. Let your work of salvation in us be fresh. Renew your calling upon our lives and use us in ways we never imagined. give new life to our relationships. Visit us again and do what only you can imagine. Come, O come Emmanuel.
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