Holy and Gracious God:
We have come into your house to worship you, for you alone are God and you alone are worthy of our praise. With grateful hearts, we thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus Christ, who took flesh, lived, died, and was raised that we might know your great heart of love and that we might be completely saved in every way.
We have tasted your love, though we have rarely lived fully in the light of your love. We have sought to prove ourselves to you, to others, to ourselves. We have always felt like we never quite measured up, like there was always something more that should be done, or always something that we had done that could never quite be overcome. We have tried to make a case for ourselves. We’ve looked at the man in mirror and tried to feel good about what we see, though deep in our hearts we’ve always had our doubts. Someone else is smarter, more beautiful, more successful, better liked, more loved.
So today, help us to rest in you, to trust in you alone. You have loved us eternally. Each of us is precious in your sight, and a unique act of your loving creation. Most importantly, the blood of Jesus was shed for each of us and for all of us. Whenever we seek to waste our lives in building a false case for ourselves, teach us to look to the cross and to see that we are worthy of the sacrifice of the son of God.
We trust in you alone. We thank you that we need nothing else.
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