Holy God--
Your son taught us to be holy, as you are holy. He said that if we would hold onto our lives, we would lose them, but if we would lay down our lives for for you and for th esake of the Gospel, we would find them. We have often felt your spirit moving within us to give our all, and we have sometimes answered that call as best as we can. Our feet are made of clay and the voices that draw us away are many. As the old hymn says, we are prone to wander. Yet you keep calling--you tell us that your goal is to make us perfect in our love.
When we hide from you, as Adam hid from you in the garden, we ask you to come looking for us, as you did him. Let us hear your voice. O holy and loving God, let all our repenting be about nothing more than running into your arms. May we never feel shamed or cajoled, bullied, manipulated or coerced. For your call to be holy is always a call to come in from the rain, to come away from ways of living that destroy us. Help us to find ourselves, to be made safe from the storms of this life, under the shelter of your wings.
We offer our all, as you have offered all of yourself to us. We give our money because it is not ours but yours, and you have made us stewards. We thank you for your provision and give back the portion you commanded in thanksgiving. We offer you those who we love who are hurting--may your love overshadow them, comfort and heal them. we offer our land and this community. Help us to run to you and to find ourselves under the loving care of your Lordship.
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